Greater Washington Procurement Conference
Greater Washington Procurement Conference
This is the theme and focus of the GREATER WASHINGTON PROCUREMENT CONFERENCE sponsored by the the Mid-Atlantic Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. ShoWorks Inc. is the event management company for the event.
The goal for this event is to connect small businesses to buyers from federal, state and local government agencies and large government prime contractors. Learn how they do business, who they are looking for, meet them and then FOLLOW-UP! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITIES!http://www.events4gov.com/event/1006
The 6th Annual Alliance Baltimore Small Business Procurement Fair
The 6th Annual Alliance Baltimore Small Business Procurement Fair
The 6th Annual Alliance Baltimore Small Business Procurement Fair provides opportunities to meet buyers and contracting officers from major military bases, the surrounding states and large companies to discuss business opportunities. Educational sessions will provide current information on emerging new standards and provide you with the tools to bid and contract successfully, gain valuable information and share success stories. This is your opportunity as a supplier to identify potential new contracting sources and network with buyers and other attendees.http://www.events4gov.com/event/687
12/5 - 12/6
Alliance -Spotlight on Construction
Alliance -Spotlight on Construction
This is a specialized meeting and networking format designed for the more experienced small business to interact more technically with agencies and prime contractors in the federal construction arena.
We have found that many companies have great past performance, excellent bonding capability and need more than the quick meetings. We have also found that government agencies and prime contractors would like better meetings with more experienced businesses. That is the rationale behind the Alliance Spotlight 2 day events. Attendance will be limited to 50 small businesses (with a maximum of 2 people from each of the 50 companies).
Construction industry companies will apply, and not all will be accepted. Pre-qualified and READY companies will be accepted and scheduled for the meetings.
Emphasis will be on networking, forming and solidifying teaming relationships.http://www.events4gov.com/event/1007
The 12th Annual Alliance Mid-Atlantic Small Business Procurement Fair
The 12th Annual Alliance Mid-Atlantic Small Business Procurement Fair
The 12th Annual Alliance Mid-Atlantic Small Business Procurement Fair provides opportunities to meet buyers and contracting officers from major military bases, the surrounding states and large companies to discuss business opportunities. Educational sessions will provide current information on emerging new standards and provide you with the tools to bid and contract successfully, gain valuable information and share success stories. This is your opportunity as a supplier to identify potential new contracting sources and network with buyers and other attendees.http://www.events4gov.com/event/1008
The 9th Annual Alliance South Small Business Procurement Fair
The 9th Annual Alliance South Small Business Procurement Fair
The 9th Annual Alliance South Small Business Procurement Fair provides opportunities to meet buyers and contracting officers from major military bases, the surrounding states and large companies to discuss business opportunities. Educational sessions will provide current information on emerging new standards and provide you with the tools to bid and contract successfully, gain valuable information and share success stories. This is your opportunity as a supplier to identify potential new contracting sources and network with buyers and other attendees.http://www.events4gov.com/event/1009