Get your free copy of our latest Government Buyers Guide at the Perisistent ISR Conference, June 27 & 28 in Washington DC!
ISR capabilities continue to be the key to success in current operations and provide the ability to reduce the number of troops and subsequent loss of life. Although great strides have been made across the DoD to implement new ISR platforms and systems, there are still many shortcomings in the capabilities to achieve true persistence. Vital information is often lost as the information gathered is not compatible to process together (interoperability problems) or there is simply just too much information to process in real time. The rate of change in technology and continuing evolution of threats requires ISR capabilities and assets to constantly be updated.
The marcus evans Persistent ISR conference will address concerns about the government-wide paradigm shift toward achieving “true persistence” in a budget and resource constrained environment, finding the balance between automating PED processes while still allowing for the human analysis of ISR-related data, provide tips on how to more rapidly and more securely share information across different information networks and maximize the potential for interoperability of ISR assets across agencies and organizations.